“BK Birla Thought Conclave” – An Inter School Quiz Competition was held at BK Birla School in Pune. Sixteen reputed schools from all over the country took part in the event. St. Michaels’s School represented by Apurb Agarwal , Zeeshan Ali and Priyanshu Gupta emerged...
St. Michael’s was the 1st runners up at the North Bengal Science Seminar 2017.
At the National Kolkata Quiz Festival held on the January 17, 2017, St. Michael’s School represented by Priyanshu Gupta, Zeeshan Ali and Apurb Agarwal of Class IX, emerged winners.
After participating at the All India Water Resources Quiz, organized by the Central Water Commission on January 5, 2018, St. Michael’s qualified for the national finals to be held in New Delhi.
St. Michael’s bagged 3 gold, 4 silver and 4 bronze medals and were the overall winners at the 2nd Open National Taekwondo Championship 2017.